Certifications that confirm the quality of the company.

We apply good operating practices and systems that are certified according to international quality standards ISO9001:2015, ISO14001:2015 & F-Gas

Bureau Veritas

Bureau Veritas certifies that the Quality Management System of Cool Dynamic has been audited and found to be in compliance with the requirements of the ISO9001:2015 and ISO14001:2015.

The Quality Management assessment applies to:

  • Assembly, repair, remanufacturing, service and sales of refrigeration units, compressors and spare parts of the above for marine and industrial use.
  • Freon retrofit

Click here to view the ISO9001:2015 certificate.

Click here to view the ISO14001:2015 certificate.


Cool Dynamic, a recognized Greek Technical Company is authorized to issue certificates for Freon Conversion, Air Quality, System Leakage and Temperature Control after Technical control on any ship during the voyage or in an Industrial installation.

Click here to view the certificate.

International Shipsuppliers & Services – ISSA

Click here to see more.

IMPA (International Marine Purchasing Association)

Click here to view the certificate.

The company is also a proud member of ISSA – International Shipsuppliers & Services as well as IMPA (International Marine Purchasing Association), whο are international associations representing over thousands of suppliers worldwide.